Oh. My. Heck. I will be a missionary TOMORROW!! I am starting to freak out, but it's a good freak out. I'm so glad that I KNOW that this mission is the right thing because I am so tempted to turn tail and run for the hills...now that it's becoming more real! But let me tell you, I've had more fun preparing for this mission than anything. I was able to go to Provo and Idaho over last weekend to see my BYU/BYU-I friends and we definitely partied it up! :) It was one continuous party! Then, there's all the shopping I've done...absolute divinity really! I have loved finding cute missionary outfits. I've also really enjoyed talking to the missionaries and hearing missionary stories; I swear, I've had more goose bumps in the last couple months than I have in my whole life!!
In all honesty though, preparing for this mission has been the best of times and the worst of times. I swear I've had every emotion possible all at the SAME time! It blows my mind! haha! But I'm starting to get more and more excited.
I watched my last movie tonight...it just had to be Tangled! I'm in love with that movie. It's going to be really hard giving up my music and movies, but I know that I'll gain sooo much more in return. You can't give the Lord a crumb without getting a loaf in return. I know that's true. But I still have yet to listen to my last song...I'm thinking it shall either be "The Final Countdown" or "Secrets" by One Republic...probably the final countdown though.
Today (the day before being set apart) has been an excellent day. Grandpa and Grandma are here, so we went shopping. It was fantastic! Then we ate Pha (who knew I would love Vietnamese food), and then Grandma took us girls out for pedicures. It was fantastic! So basically today has been a fabulous day...minus the fact that I still need to write my talk for tomorrow, but it'll all work out!
Anyways, since this is my last post for awhile (just 18 months is all), I want the world to know that God lives and that He loves all of His children so much!
"God be with you til we meet again!"