Monday, February 15, 2016

What I Would Like to Study...

Image result for book of mormon cdI made a discovery the other day while I was driving. Usually while I drive, I listen to the radio or the songs on my phone. However, this time I listened to the Book of Mormon on CD. I noticed a distinctive difference in my driving. Most of the time, I find myself feeling, thinking, and acting slightly aggressive (i.e. speeding, negative feelings towards other drivers) while driving for no reason. However, when I was listening to the Book of Mormon, I found myself driving the speed limit and having more prosocial thoughts towards other patients. I would love to see if there are any studies that correlate certain types of music with road rage. I want to listen to the Book of Mormon more when I drive; I know it will definitely improve my driving and aggression levels.


  1. I did the same thing this Sunday. I was driving home from my parents house, and I wanted to try something different. It was amazing the difference it made. I think that would be a really cool study.

  2. That is such a great idea! I definitely have road rage and I never thought that it could be because of the music I listen to. I will have to try listening to the scriptures or maybe even just hymns to see if it makes a difference. Thanks for sharing.
