Sunday, March 13, 2016

Mormon Freakin' Messages--Get Me Everytime

Image result for mormon messages iconI absolutely love Mormon messages. I watched the new one with the largest ever Hallelujah chorus, where people recorded themselves singing and nearly bawled. I feel that Mormon Messages are a gift from God to bring the Spirit, instill hope, and teach us doctrines and principles that helps us to think and ponder. My particularly favorite Mormon Message is "Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them" by Elder Nelson. We definitely are living in a time of turmoil and trouble; however, if we keep our eye centered on the Prince of Peace, then we can not fail and I would say even surpass the anxiety, fear, and worry that permeates our hearts and society. I am so grateful that the church and the Lord is utilizing media in such a way.


  1. Thank you for your post! I totally agree. I LOVE Mormon Messages! They always make me feel the spirit and they always make me cry- they are so amazing! Thank you for sharing your favorite one! I will have to watch that! :) With so many negative forms of media in the world, I am thankful to have Mormon Messages! Thanks again for your thoughts!

  2. I am so glad not to be alone! I cry literally every time...
    Love the Men's Hearts video... Loved your insight that we can get passed any fear, anxiety and worry that besets us as we stay focused on Christ. He truly is Prince of Peace.
    I love the Elder Holland message abo traveling down the wrong path.
    So many good ones. We live in such s happy time.

  3. Amen! I love the Church's use of Mormon Messages and how great they are at teaching simple Gospel principles. I also loved the Hallelujah one that recently came out. It is fantastic. So inspiring!

  4. Haha I love your title. Also love your thoughts/testimony. Amazing how the Spirit can get us through the screen! Especially good music in them. The old school Come Thou Fount from

  5. Thanks for sharing! I agree that Elder Nelson's "Men's Hearts Shall Fail Them" is a great Mormon Message. One of my favorites too!
