Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Netflix Withdrawals are Real, Y'all

Soooo, this week has been super busy for me with family in town and lots of tests and projects as school and work are both crazy busy. It's been a productive time, but I have found that inwardly, I really miss watching my Netflix show, "Hart of Dixie." My husband and I have about 4 episodes left in the entire show, and I find that I can't wait to see how it ends, but I also never want it to end. I would find myself thinking about these characters throughout the day, and today I realized, that there are so many better things in my life than my favorite shows...which are NOT REAL. That got me thinking about other media forms that I might have withdrawals from if I didn't have them. Then in class on Monday, Dr. Coyne had us turn in all of our cell phones. I admit I felt a little anxious about that at first, but then forgot about my phone completely. It was nice to be distraction free throughout lecture. It inspired me to take inventory of my social media time, music, tv, etc. time to see where am I spending my time, and where in the spectrum of "good, better, best" does it fall?


  1. Well said! I was a bit weirded out at first without my phone but ultimately I find when I don't have it, I don't mind it and I am proud of myself for not relying on it so much. Granted life is MUCH easier with it handy :)

  2. Thank you for your post! I totally get what you're saying. When I am too busy to watch my Netflix shows, I feel two different feelings very strongly. First, I feel like a part of me is missing. And second, I realize that I don't need it to survive. I think Netflix and TV shows in general are fun and entertaining, but I think it's important that they are not the most important thing in our lives because like you said, they aren't real. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!

  3. You are better than I am! When I am so busy I seem to stay up late just so I can watch Netflix and then I am so tired the next day. I need to get better at that!

  4. Seriously, Netflix series have a powerful attraction. And I like to be entertained by them, I enjoy having a show running (although I enjoy a good book running just a well). I find that I relate extremely well with the Amazon Fire TV commercial "showhole", which is both sad and funny.

  5. I often find myself getting way to caught up in social media and Netflix! Netflix is probably my worst, when I find myself wondering in the middle of the day what the characters on my current show are doing....I usually know I need to cut back on my tv watching!
